Go Cougs

Go Cougs

Monday, September 22, 2008

First Haircut

Yesterday Seth had his first haircut. He is only two months old, and his hair is still thin. His hair has always been kind of long in the back. It was starting to bother me that his hair would hang over his collar. Amy Jo was kind enough to help us out. Jennifer held him while Amy Jo did the snipping. I did not help. I was outside with Weston and Chace; trying to stop them from fighting with all of the other kids in the apartment complex. Chace did this sweet flying kick on this older kid. The older kid had no chance to fight back because he was laying on the ground and Weston kicked him in the back. By time he got up to fight back, I was grabbing the boys. Chace then decided that I should follow him as he ran to all ends of the apartment complex. When he saw that I was not following he came back. Seth was no trouble. As you can see he slept the whole time. He then woke up at the end feeling a little sheepish. Seth was very grateful. He loves his new haircut. He says he will look great for the BYU game in two weeks. We set up the next appointment with the beautician for the third Thursday in October. He needs to look good for Halloween too.

1 comment:

AmyJo said...

That little face is too cute! It is always a trick to cut a baby's hair. I personally liked the picture of him practically hanging upside down so I could blend the neckline better. You didn't include it though.
We'll have him looking snazzy for Halloween.