Go Cougs

Go Cougs

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Leaves Everywhere

It has been a while since we have been to Clearfield, so we decided to vistit Jennifer's parents this weekend. Saturday morning we decided to help do a little yard work. They have three giant trees on the west side of their house. Those trees provide a great amount of shade in the summer that helps keep their house cool. The problem is the leaves in the Fall. Leaves carpeted the front lawn. We raked them all up and by the afternoon leaves carpeted the front lawn again. It took 8 large bags to collect all the leaves. We also filled up the garbage can and the two neigbor's cans as well. Only about half of the leaves have fallen from the trees. At least we helped out a little bit. Then we helped put up the Christmas lights. It was good to get them up before it got too cold.


Daniel, Stephanie, & Chloe said...

So close to us...hopefully we'll see you soon. Maybe over the holidays. When are you in Price?

Anonymous said...

I haven't ranked leaves in forever! Sounds like lots of fun. I'm sure Seth just loved it!

AmyJo said...

darn, I wanted to see a picture.
Glad you had a good time up to Clearfield. Thomas is always good to get in and help get things done! He should get the son-in-law of the year for sure!