Go Cougs

Go Cougs

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I Am a Good Cleaner

Carter is a great cleaner. He loves to help me out and is sometimes to much of a helper. Today he split some water on the table and thankfully he was quick to clean it up. I had just gotten done tutoring a little girl so I had paper on the table. He was quick to clean up his water so it did not make it to my papers. I came into the room and he told me to move my stuff so that he could keep cleaning. He told me “I am a cleaner, so move so I can keep cleaning.” He cleaned all of the kitchen table and most of the floor. He was a great help. It is to bad he is not this quick at cleaning up after himself or more careful not to make a mess. I guess I will just take what I can get. He is helpful most of the time.  

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