Go Cougs

Go Cougs

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Its a Love Hate Relationship

I love DI. I always go there not looking for anything in particular and not know what I will find. You have to go with an open mind and a closed wallet. There are a lot of things in DI that are good deal, but you have no need for them and have no business buying them. It feels good to buy things from DI that are a good deal and you know that you will use them. We have been looking closely through the movies lately; they are usually $1. We purchased this little treasure just the other day. As we got home and popped it in to enjoy it, we found that it was not quite the treasure we had thought. It ended up being a blank tape that someone had recorded some air plane evacuation procedures on. You think the dorks that work at DI would check this stuff before they put it out on the shelf. I hate to learn lessons this way. I hate to hold it against DI, because I love the place so much. It will all be ok. I
am sure that the next time I go into DI and smell the smelly smell of DI all my anger will slip away and we will return the relationship that we once had. Learn from my mistakes. Check your crap before you step up the register. After all you are buying AS IS.


John and Misty said...

I once bought a bunch of Baby Einstein videos at DI. I didn't even think to check to see if it was the right video in the case. When I was checking out, the lady helping me told me that I should always check to make sure it was the correct video. Those were in my early days when I wasn't an experienced DI shopper. With time you will learn the ways of the master bargain hunters.

Anonymous said...