Yesterday Thomas called me from work and said Kathy (his co-worker) has a big peach tree with peaches that are ready to be pick. She said we could have them all. I told him great, I know of some girls that would love to have something to do and not mind picking peaches.
When we got there we realized they were apricots instead of peaches. What would I do with apricots? They do not bottle well. Peaches would have been so nice!!! Then I thought I am sure they make great jam, and I already have experience with making jam.
We only had one latter so we had to take turns. The girls were a lot of help. We were able to get half a laundry basket full in about 20 minutes.
Carter needed some extra help staying out of all the apricots that had all ready fallen. To him they look great for eating.
Clara and I are working on the jam. So far we have made 8 pints, which is only a forth of the apricots.
I am loving all this canning and can not wait until all of our tomatoes are ripe, so that we can make salsa!!!